The Lighthouse

the lighthouse

20 September 2009

Of friends and road signs

Have I mentioned that I moved recently? I didn't just switch houses, I upped-sticks and resettled in a brand new part of the country. Well, that sounds rather adventurous...I'm still in the same province, just a bit of it I'd never lived in before. What I mean to convey is that this is undiscovered country. Unexplored territory. A whole new kettle of fish. And all of that is wonderful: I enjoy discovering, exploring and even getting to know new kettles of fish. It's all fine as long as it's recreational. It can get a bit stressful when something definite must be accomplished, requiring a sure and reliable path of travel to the end point.

I spent time this weekend with old friends from the town before the town before this town, which is just a hop, skip, and a long jump from here. I could have taken the highway, but when God's country beckons, who would chisel out with 4-series highways? Not I!! I used my friendly search engine mapping feature to find an alternate, picturesque route. The information I received was that the cost of a view would be an additional half hour of which I scoffed. I am a seasoned, veteran, hard core road tripper! 30 minutes? Bah! I laugh in the face of those minutes!

Things went really well, to begin with. I sauntered on four wheels. (This is significant, because I used to be the punch line of jokes involving lead feet) I had a rough idea of where I was at all times -- which is a comfort -- and the signs I was following didn't confuse me (well done M.O.T!) until I hit a snag about 45 minutes from where I was supposed to end up. The road I was on seemed to end, with no mention of the fairly major highway I was looking for. My two options - heading either left or right - were not mentioned on my search-engine-provided map, so I went straight through, which turned out ok. I found the highway, only once there, I headed west (because the friends I was visiting live west of me) only to realize as soon as my rear tires drove past the off ramp for the east-bound lanes, that I have to drive east in order to go west. Fortunately my westerly decision got me where I was headed, but with rather more than the 30 extra minutes I was warned about.

None of which is the heart of what this weekend was about. A dear friend - Serge - is celebrating another year of life. The usual suspects gathered (huddled, really) on the patio (the cold, cold patio) to do what we do best when we're together: laugh. And laugh we did, for not only did we have reason to rejoice with Serge's birthday, but her family recently moved into a beautiful new home; and to top it off, Bella brought a "+ guest" for us to meet. Blessings abound, and life is sweet. The goodness continued for me today when, in the parking lot of a grocery store, I happened to see Avery (Murphy Brown's mom), another very dear friend from my days in the town before the town before this one.

This weekend is Rosh Hashanah: Jewish New Year. As much as New Year is meant to reflect on the year gone by, we also look ahead to the promise of the future. I am not Jewish in practice, but the roots of my faith certainly are. At this time of year I always feel the need to give thanks for all I have, and to prepare myself for the time to come. There is a great deal of possibility ahead of me, and I have determined to head out and see what they are. Fortunately God has more reliable road signs than the M.O.T!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you again for making the trek out here...It was a lot of fun, and it was good to have all the usual suspects back together again!

    Hopefully you eventually warmed up after that cold, cold patio experience. It's officially Fall, today, so no more patio drinks.

