The Lighthouse

the lighthouse

22 October 2011

How to have an awesome day

1.  Begin the day in a easygoing fashion.  Have a lie-in; be mellow.  When you think you should get up, fluff your pillows a little, adjust the covers, and snuggle in for five more minutes.

2. Have your favourite thing for breakfast, especially if it's cold pizza.  Never mind the omega-3 enriched anti-oxidant packed, fibre heavy bricks of dried grass in a bowl you so conscientiously consume Monday to Friday.  Bon appetit!

3.  Bake peanut butter cookies with two Peanuts aged three and five.

4.  Repot geraniums and basil to bring indoors over the winter months.  Ticking something practical off your to do list brings an enormous sense of well being.

5.  Take pictures of the Great Leaf Pile Games taking place in the back yard.

6.  Enjoy steps three through five to the accompanying soundtrack of Michael Buble.

7.  Read an engrossing mystery novel while simultaneously basking in the warmth of a wood fire.

8.  Have a family dance party with the music of Guns ~n~ Roses, Def Leppard, Michael Jackson, and Andy Gibb.

9. Realize there are still leaves in the trees and no snow on the ground.

10. Give thanks for 8 happy and healthy souls surviving another day.

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